Çpopullimi i trojeve Shqiptare – Sehit Beluli
Çpopullimi i trojeve Shqiptare.
Statistika alarmante.
Behen plot me pasion.
Nga partite parlamentare.
Per largim nga toka jone.
Iken populli dhe rinia.
Edhe ikja s’njeh me mosh.
E gjeçi nga Perendia.
Qe e late kete vend bosh.
Del ne Tribune politika.
Politikane te çdo ngjyre.
Akuzoni njeri – tjetrin.
Te pa gjak prej fytyre.
Hidh shigjetat me te hedhur.
Njeri tjetrit me tja kredhur.
Sikur vet nuk jane fajtor.
Helm e vrer me okë derdhur.
Si su erdhi pak turp.
Per veten si burra shteti.
Gjitha ligjet me te futur.
Kunder Kombit hapur jeni.
Jeni gjithe tradhetare.
Te shitur tek te huajt.
Jeni ber dhe per samare.
As per çoban me buajt.
Gabim ecen politika.
Fallco shkruhet historia.
Aq me keq ekonomia.
E varfera kjo gjuhesia.
Te kisha shkopin magjik.
Menjehere do ipja urdher.
Tju hidhte ne kosh me plehra.
Se na bet qorra dhe shurdher.
U lumte se keni gjetur.
Kete popull te pergjumur.
Te trullosur me valium.
Poshteruar dhe te humbur.
Poshteruar dhe te humbur.
Por ka dhe qe nuk perkulen.
Sepse kane gjakun ne vetull.
Kur te vije dita do duken.
▪copyright rezerved Sehit Beluli – dt.16/10/2020 Dukat Vlore Albania
■Depopulation of Albanian lands.
Alarming statistics.
They become full of passion.
From parliamentary parties.
To leave our land.
The people and the youth are fleeing.
Even escape does not know age.
You got it from God.
That left this place empty.
Del ne Tribune politika.
Politicians of any color.
Blame each other.
No blood on your face.
Throw the most thrown arrows.
Each other with her credentials.
As if they themselves are not guilty.
Poison and bitterness with spilled ok.
How a little shame came.
For themselves as statesmen.
All the most introduced laws.
You are openly against the Nation.
You are all traitors.
Sold to foreigners.
You are also made for Samara.
Nor per shepherd with oxen.
Error ecen politics.
Falco writes history.
The worse the economy.
Poor this linguistics.
I had the magic wand.
I will give orders immediately.
He threw you in the trash.
That makes us blind and deaf.
Glad you found it.
This sleepy people.
Stunned with valium.
Humiliated and lost.
Humiliated and lost.
But there are those who do not bow.
Because they have blood on their eyebrows.
When the day comes they will look.
▪copyright reserved Sehit Beluli – dt.16 / 10/2020 Dukat Vlore Albania