Dita boterore e vajzave – Sehit Beluli
Dita boterore e vajzave.
Sot eshte edhe dita ime.
Se zoti me dha dy bija.
Vajzat i kam si dy yje.
Hallet mi di Perendia.
O bote , o bota e madhe.
Vajzat jane vet kapitali.
Jane ilaç sherimi per halle
Jane lot gezimi dhe malli.
Jane te embla si shija e mjaltit.
E duhen ruajtur si syte e ballit.
Jane te shenjta e kuptim i jetes.
Jane djale e kaluar djalit.
Kush ka vajza ne shtepi.
Boten e bukur e ka brenda.
Duhet pare me vemendje me sy.
Qe te na dale siç na e do ënda.
Aty ku lind nje bebe.
E kjo bebe eshte nje femer.
Zoti perkund nje djepe.
Aty qendron me gjithe zemër.
▪ copyright rezerved Sehit Beluli dt 16/10/2920
World Girls Day.
Today is also my day.
That God gave me two daughters.
I have girls as two stars.
Only God knows my needs.
O world, O great world.
Girls are the capital itself.
They are a cure for ailments
There are tears of joy and longing.
They are as sweet as the taste of honey.
It must be guarded like the eyes of the forehead.
They are sacred and the meaning of life.
They are the son of the past son.
Who has daughters at home.
The beautiful world is inside.
Must be seen with the naked eye.
To come out to us as we like.
Where a baby is born.
And this baby is a woman.
God raises a cradle.
He stands there with all his heart.
▪ copyright reserved Sehit Beluli dt.16/19/2020 Dukat Vlore Albania